The seventh floor was a wall-less space wrapped in exotic atmosphere.
Perhaps it was due to the floor being full of artists with strong backgrounds in the party scene, that the night performances using lights were just plain beautiful.
Everywhere you turned you saw influence of live painting, street art, party decoration,club culture, illustration, lighting and more.
The imagination for the story behind the miniature street model made from the venue’s scrapped material was based on the devastating impact of 3/11 (The Great Earthquake of Eastern Japan) and it was if the model also relayed just how deep that fact struck and hit home with each of the artists.
The mahojin [a magic square/circle involving math] painted on the floor in the centre of this room and the surrounding murals had an odd resonation with each other and however distorted it truly seemed, the room was just able to keep its consistency; enough to create an atmosphere like that of a parallel world, a fantasy of the imagination.